1·Girls studying in a single-sex setting also earn higher scores on their College Board Advanced Placement exams than girls who study in coeducational settings.
2·LISA: No, I don't need to. I took Advanced Placement English in high school.
3·We offer Honors and Advanced Placement (AP) courses in almost every subject area, including the arts.
包括艺术在内, 几乎每门课都设有荣誉课程和AP课程。
4·Evans was removed from her from advanced placement classes "and forced her into the lesser-weighted honors classes."
凯瑟琳被移出所谓的"尖子班"(advanced placement classes), "被强迫进入不那么重要的班级."
5·She took Advanced Placement classes, though couldn't afford tutors and study aids like the rest of her peers, and excelled at them.
6·Ms. D’Addario was Ms. Thompson’s Advanced Placement history teacher at Walt Whitman High School in Huntington Station, on Long Island, in 1977.
7·Advanced placement, if you add extra layers of lacquer to the surface of a bat, you can make the wood almost as hard as metal, and really hit that ball.
8·Our flexible curriculum, which includes 25 AP (Advanced Placement) courses, exceeds college requirements and makes us stand out from other independent schools across the state and the nation.
灵活的课程, 包括25门AP课程, 超出了大学基本要求, 使我们在全美学校中独树一帜。
9·Study Circles: These are social networks dedicated for students where they can have areas dedicated to student study topics, placement related queries and advanced research opportunity gathering.
10·Many are taking two or three advanced-placement courses, playing sports and spending time on after-school activities.